Thursday, 6 August 2009

Esther Tang sums it up - Insist!

I was reading Esther Tang's BJJ blog "Postura" and came across this nugget of wisdom:

"My blue belt was defined by the word 'insist'. One of the most important things I learnt as a blue belt was that I had to always insist on positions, believe in them and execute them with a 'full heart'. If I'm going for a pass, keep pressuring until I've established it; if I'm going for a choke keep holding until my opponent taps. Never stop until the position has been conquered."

A perfect quote to sum up my latest aim of staying on top and maintaining the attack.
I don't know Esther, and I hope she doesn't mind my borrowing of her words, but she has eloquently condensed my current vein of BJJ thinking into a single inspirational word. Thanks!

The rest of Esther's blog entry discusses her own approach to applying this in training. Read it!


  1. Im deffinately feeling this philosophy right now. Its all very well being pro active but finding the balance and making it work can sometimes be difficult. Keep up the good work dude.
